Maybe for most people the word “replica†is a real turn off, but not for me. I have the perfect example that owning a replica watch can be as rewarding as having the original one just that you don’t have to break the bank to buy it.Take this replica VACHERON CONSTANTIN 49150/000M-9501 watch,for instance,it has cost me only a couple hundred bucks and it looks amazing. Not only that, but I am also very impressed with its authentic design, perfect representation of the genuine markings and logos, exact sizes and weight. It is a terrific acquisition and I feel like it was definitely worth it.
Now,let’s introduce another watch,replica VACHERON CONSTANTIN 49150/000M-9501 watch is similar to it,about Overseas with a new black dial,the three-hand model comes in a steel case that measures 41 mm x 11 mm. The chronograph also comes in steel and measures 42.5 mm x 13.7 mm.
The three-hand watch is powered by caliber 5100, an automatic 4Hz in-house movement with a 22K gold oscillating weight, and the chronograph is powered by caliber 5200, which is an automatic 4Hz movement with a 22K gold oscillating weight.
There is a not a lot to see here, basically just new black dials. The chronograph, in particular, is interesting in that it now has a white-on-black reverse panda configuration. Will be interesting to see if they ever go with a true panda dial, which I think would be amazing.
Fortunately,in our online shop,we offer a large number of high quality imitation watches,they are made by best material,but they are not waterproof.Besides imitation VACHERON CONSTANTIN 49150/000M-9501 watch,there are also plenty of nice watches,welcome to visite them.